(March 20. 2015): Liles Parker is proud to announce that Governor Terry McAuliffe (VA) has appointed Michael Cook, co-chair of our health care group, to a four-year term as a member of the Virginia Board of Medical Assistance Services. The Board is established pursuant to Virginia statute to oversee the Medicaid program, including the development of the State Plan for Medical Assistance and promulgating rules and regulations for the Medicaid program. Michael has a wealth of experience in working with the Medicaid program, initially as an attorney for the federal regulators of the program, and for more than 30 years representing providers in the program. Additionally, Michael has served previously on a work group of Governor Kaine’s Health Reform Commission, has served on the health care transition team for two Governors, and has lectured and published frequently over the years on health care issues, including those involving the Medicaid program. We congratulate Michael on his appointment.