HCLA Webinars

HCLA Webinar

What up with HIPAA and OCR?

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

1 p.m. EST / Noon CST / 10:00 a.m. PST

Duration: 60 Minutes

What’s up with HIPAA and OCR? There has been significant enforcement action in the last year by OCR against providers for failures to comply with the HIPAA Privacy and Security Rules. We’ll briefly cover recent changes to the Privacy rule and where those rules stand in the light of legal challenges. Then, we will discuss the fallout from the Change Healthcare breach, enforcement initiatives by OCR that have resulted in some significant fines, the interaction of Federal and Louisiana state privacy law, and coming changes to the HIPAA rules, along with recommendations about what you should be doing to keep your agency safe and in compliance.
Join attorneys Heidi Kocher and Matthew Catoe as they discuss HIPAA risk issues you will face in 2025. This webinar is scheduled for 60 minutes with a Q & A session to follow. Registration is free for all HCLA members and Liles Parker clients.
HCLA Webinar

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

1 p.m. EST / Noon CST / 10:00 a.m. PST

Duration: 60 Minutes

Are you in the market to buy or sell your agency? What are the various concerns you need to address when engaging in this type of business transaction? What impact can the "Affiliation" regulations have on the agency and its owners? What steps can you take to reduce your level of risk? Join attorneys Jennifer Papapanagiotou and Lester Johnson they discuss these important issues. This webinar is scheduled for 60 minutes with a Q & A session to follow. Registration is free for all HCLA members and Liles Parker clients.
HCLA Webinar
Home health agencies are currently under the government's audit microscope. Government contractors are actively conducting both prepayment and postpayment audits of Medicare and Medicaid home health claims. Based on their findings, more severe administrative sanctions are being pursued (e.g. suspension and / or revocation actions). If evidence of fraud is identified, referrals to law enforcement agencies are also being made. In this webinar, attorneys Meaghan DeBenedetto and Christin Thompson will discuss these enforcement actions and outline the adverse impact each action can have on your agency. This webinar is scheduled for 60 minutes with a Q & A session to follow. Registration is free for all HCLA members and Liles Parker clients.
HCLA Webinar
Hospices remain under considerable regulatory scrutiny. In recent years, a number of new audit initiatives have been initiated against hospice agencies. The results of these audits can lead to further administrative (and in some cases, legal) enforcement. In this webinar, Christin Thompson and Matthew Catoe will discuss how these audit programs work and the steps you should be taking to reduce your agency’s potential liability. This webinar is scheduled for 60 minutes with a Q & A session to follow. Registration is free for all HCLA members and Liles Parker clients.
HCLA Webinar

Tuesday, May 27, 2025

1 p.m. EST / Noon CST / 10:00 a.m. PST

Duration: 60 Minutes

In this session, we will discuss a number of recent initiatives by State and Federal authorities against personal care providers. Join Ashley Morgan and Lester Johnson to learn how to reduce your level of risk. This webinar is scheduled for 60 minutes with a Q & A session to follow. Registration is free for all HCLA members and Liles Parker clients.
HCLA Webinar
In recent years, the number of reasons that CMS can cite when revoking a Medicare provider’s billing privileges has greatly expanded. Since that time, CMS contractors have been aggressively revoking providers on a near-constant basis. How can your agency avoid being revoked? How should your agency respond if your billing privileges are terminated or revoked? What impact can these actions have on a home health or hospice agency?
In this webinar, attorneys Ashley Morgan and Jennifer Papapanagiotou will discuss the current revocation actions being pursued by the government and how your agency can reduce its risk of being subjected to such an adverse action. This webinar is scheduled for 60 minutes with a Q and A session to follow. Registration is free for all HCLA members and Liles Parker clients.
HCLA Webinar

Tuesday, July 29, 2025

1 p.m. EST / Noon CST / 10:00 a.m. PST

Duration: 60 Minutes

In this session, we will discuss these timely enforcement issues and cover ways that your home health and/or hospice can reduce its level of risk. Join attorneys Christin Thompson and Alex Naum for a discussion on these costly enforcement actions. This webinar is scheduled for 60 minutes with a Q & A session to follow. Registration is free for all HCLA members and Liles Parker clients.
HCLA Webinar
In this webinar, health lawyers John Pierce and Robert W. Liles will discuss various home health and hospice marketing practices that have run afoul of the Federal Anti-Kickback Statute. We will also discuss how an agency can take steps to better ensure that their marketing practices are legal. This webinar is scheduled for 60 minutes with a Q & A session to follow. Registration is free for all HCLA members and Liles Parker clients.
HCLA Webinar
Despite your best efforts, regulatory violations are likely to still occur. Nevertheless, there are a number of steps you can take that can significantly improve your home health or hospice agency’s regulatory compliance. We will also discuss how DOJ will assess your compliance program if there is ever a problem. Attorneys John Pierce and Robert W. Liles will discuss ways your organization can reduce its level of risk through the successful enhancement of your compliance program. This webinar is scheduled for 60 minutes with a Q & A session to follow. Registration is free for all HCLA members and Liles Parker clients.
HCLA Webinar

Tuesday, October 28, 2025

1 p.m. EST / Noon CST / 10:00 a.m. PST

Duration: 60 Minutes

Join us as we discuss the likely challenges and risks facing your home health or hospice agency if it is the subject of a False Claims Act investigation. How should your agency respond? In this webinar, health law attorneys Lester Johnson and Ashley Morgan will discuss your potential liability and ways to reduce your level of risk.This webinar is scheduled for 60 minutes with a Q & A session to follow. Registration is free for all HCLA members and Liles Parker clients.
HCLA Webinar

Tuesday, November 25, 2025

1 p.m. EST / Noon CST / 10:00 a.m. PST

Duration: 60 Minutes

At the outset, it is important to keep in mind that there are significant differences between the OIG Exclusion List and the CMS Preclusion List. During this session, we will discuss your obligations, as a Medicare home health or hospice provider, to ensure that your employees, agents, contractors, and vendors have not been excluded from participation in federal health care programs. We will also discuss the impact of the CMS Preclusion List on your employment and contracting practices. Both OIG and CMS contractors are actively on the lookout for violations.
In this webinar, attorneys Paul Weidenfeld and Robert W. Liles will discuss the importance of exclusion screening, how to screen and which exact databases must be screened – according to both federal and state regulations, how often and which individuals and entities must be screened, and how providers must document their exclusion screening efforts in order to comply with the law. We will also go over the purpose and nature of the CMS Preclusion List. This webinar is scheduled for 60 minutes with a Q and A session to follow. Registration is free for all HCLA members and Liles Parker clients.
HCLA Webinar

Tuesday, December 30, 2025

1 p.m. EST / Noon CST / 10:00 a.m. PST

Duration: 60 Minutes

Join us as we discuss the likely challenges and regulatory risks facing your home health agency and / or hospice in the upcoming year. What are the chances that your agency will be audited? What administrative enforcement remedies are currently being pursued by CMS program integrity contractors? How should your agency respond? In this webinar, attorneys Robert Saltformaggio and Lester Johnson will discuss ways your agency can reduce its level of risk. This webinar is scheduled for 60 minutes with a Q & A session to follow. Registration is free for all TAHC members and Liles Parker clients. Registration is free for all HCLA members and Liles Parker clients.


HCLA Webinar

Reading the Tea Leaves – What are the Top Risks Your Hospice or Home Health agency will Face in 2025?

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

1 p.m. EST / Noon CST / 10:00 a.m. PST

Duration: 60 Minutes

Join us as we discuss the likely challenges and risks facing your home health agency and / or hospice in the upcoming year. What are the chances that your agency will be audited? What are the administrative enforcement remedies currently being pursued by CMS program integrity contractors? How should your agency respond? In this webinar, attorneys Matthew Catoe and Robert Saltaformaggio will discuss ways your agency can reduce its level of risk. This webinar is scheduled for 60 minutes with a Q & A session to follow. Registration is free for all HCLA members and Liles Parker clients.
HCLA Webinar

Avoiding Criminal Liability – Views from a Former Federal Prosecutor

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

1 p.m. EST / Noon CST / 10:00 a.m. PST

Duration: 60 Minutes

John Pierce served as a federal prosecutor in three different U.S. Attorney’s Offices around the country. He also served on the Attorney General’s Advocacy Committee for Health Care Fraud. After leaving the DOJ, He has represented a wide variety of health care providers and suppliers around the country in criminal health care fraud investigations and prosecutions. During this session, John Pierce will discuss the current criminal risk areas facing home health and hospice agencies, their owners, staff and the physicians with whom they work. Join John Pierce and moderator Robert Liles as they discuss the current criminal enforcement landscape facing your agency. This webinar is scheduled for 60 minutes with a Q & A session to follow. Registration is free for all HCLA members and Liles Parker clients.
HCLA Webinar

Building from Baseline -- Practical Advice for Strengthening Your Home Health or Hospice Compliance Program

Tuesday, October 29, 2024

1 p.m. EST / Noon CST / 10:00 a.m. PST

Duration: 60 Minutes

Despite your best efforts, regulatory violations are likely to still occur. Nevertheless, there are a number of steps you can take that can significantly improve your home health or hospice agency’s regulatory compliance. Attorneys Heidi Kocher and Robert Saltaformaggio will discuss ways your organization can reduce its level of risk through the successful enhancement of your compliance program. This webinar is scheduled for 60 minutes with a Q & A session to follow. Registration is free for all HCLA members and Liles Parker clients.
HCLA Webinar

Home Health and / or Hospice Agency Business Relationships with Referral Sources

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

1 p.m. EST / Noon CST / 10:00 a.m. PST

Duration: 60 Minutes

Home health and hospice agencies remain under considerable regulatory scrutiny. Over the past few years, the number of Anti-Kickback, Stark and False Claims Act cases brought against these providers have continued to increase. Is your agency at risk? Have you analyzed your Medical Director and other referral relationships? In this webinar, Jennifer Papapanagiotou and Ashley Morgan will discuss how these statutes work and steps you should be taking to reduce your agency’s potential liability. This webinar is scheduled for 60 minutes with a Q & A session to follow. Registration is free for all HCLA members and Liles Parker clients.
Home Health and Hospice Agency Business Relationships with Referral Sources - HCLA September Webinar
HCLA Webinar

Voluntary Disclosures – How Should You React When Something Goes Wrong?

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

1 p.m. EST / Noon CST / 10:00 a.m. PST

Duration: 60 Minutes

Should your home health or hospice discover issues or activities that you believe may potentially run afoul of the myriad of regulatory prohibitions, what should you do? The OIG has developed a formal program under which organizations that discover such violations can voluntarily report these issues and potentially receive reduced penalties. Similarly, CMS has developed a mechanism to formally disclose Stark violations. Join health lawyers Lester Johnson and Richard Pecore – In Memoriam 2024 for a discussion of these programs and factors to consider in deciding whether to avail your organization of these processes. This webinar is scheduled for 60 minutes with a Q & A session to follow. Registration is free for all HCLA members and Liles Parker clients.
HCLA Webinar

Buying and Selling Home Health and / or Hospice Agencies

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

1 p.m. EST / Noon CST / 10:00 a.m. PST

Duration: 60 Minutes

Are you in the market to buy or sell your agency? What are the various concerns you need to address when engaging in this type of business transaction? What steps can you take to reduce your level of risk? Join attorneys Heidi Kocher and Jennifer Papapanagiotou as they discuss these important issues. This webinar is scheduled for 60 minutes with a Q & A session to follow. Registration is free for all HCLA members and Liles Parker clients.
HCLA Webinar

ADRs, PrePayment Reviews, Postpayment Audits and Suspensions - The Impact of these Administrative Enforcement Tools on Home Health and Hospice Agencies

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

1 p.m. EST / Noon CST / 10:00 a.m. PST

Duration: 60 Minutes

Prepayment reviews are now being conducted by both UPICs, MACs and RACs. While the government has placed some restrictions on their use, contractors continue to exercise great latitude in their scope and the length that they are imposed. Similarly, contractors remain in control of postpayments conducted and suspension actions recommended to CMS. In this webinar, attorneys Meaghan DeBenedetto and Christin Thompson will discuss these enforcement actions and outline the adverse impact each action can have on your agency. This webinar is scheduled for 60 minutes with a Q & A session to follow. Registration is free for all HCLA members and Liles Parker clients. Registration is free for all HCLA members and Liles Parker clients.

HCLA Webinar

Preventing the Revocation of Your Home Health and / or Hospice Agency from the Medicare Program

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

1 p.m. EST / Noon CST / 10:00 a.m. PST

Duration: 60 Minutes

In this webinar, health lawyers Jennifer Papapanagiotou and Ashley Morgan will discuss the current revocation actions being pursued by the government how your agency can reduce its risk of being subjected to such an adverse action. This webinar is scheduled for 60 minutes with a Q & A session to follow. Registration is free for all HCLA members and Liles Parker clients.
HCLA Webinar

Data Privacy and Security Issues and Regulations—HIPAA and Beyond

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

1 p.m. EST / Noon CST / 10:00 a.m. PST

Duration: 60 Minutes

In this session, we will discuss these timely enforcement issues and cover ways that your home health/home care agency and/or hospice can reduce its level of risk. Join attorney Richard Pecore – In Memoriam 2024 and Liles Parker Privacy Officer, Alex Naum, for a discussion on these costly enforcement actions. This webinar is scheduled for 60 minutes with a Q & A session.
HCLA Webinar

Are You "Personally" At Risk? Update on the DOJ's push for individual accountability

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

1 p.m. EST / Noon CST / 10:00 a.m. PST

Duration: 60 Minutes

In recent years, agency owners, managers, supervisors, marketers, billers and coders have been finding themselves under law enforcement's microscope. In this session, we will discuss the changing focus of State and Federal prosecutors as their focus has transitioned from the company itself to individuals within a company who are determined to be culpable for the alleged wrongdoing. In this webinar, attorneys Robert Saltformaggio and Richard Pecore – In Memoriam 2024 will discuss ways you can reduce your individual level of risk. This webinar is scheduled for 60 minutes with a Q & A session to follow.
HCLA Webinar

Risks Facing Your Home Health or Hospice Agency if You Hire Someone on the OIG Exclusion List OR the CMS Preclusion List

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

1 p.m. EST / Noon CST / 10:00 a.m. PST

Duration: 60 Minutes

At the outset, it is important to keep in mind that there are significant differences between the OIG Exclusion List and the CMS Preclusion List. During this session, we will discuss your obligations, as a Medicare home health or hospice provider, to ensure that your employees, agents, contractors, and vendors have not been excluded from participation in federal health care programs. We will also discuss the impact of the CMS Preclusion List on your employment and contracting practices. Both OIG and CMS contractors are actively on the lookout for violations.
In this webinar, attorneys Paul Weidenfeld and Robert Liles will discuss the importance of exclusion screening, how to screen and which exact databases must be screened – according to both federal and state regulations, how often and which individuals and entities must be screened, and how providers must document their exclusion screening efforts in order to comply with the law. We will also go over the purpose and nature of the CMS Preclusion List. This webinar is scheduled for 60 minutes with a Q & A session to follow.
HCLA Webinar

Data Privacy Issues and Regulations -- HIPAA and Beyond

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

1 p.m. EST / Noon CST / 10:00 a.m. PST

Duration: 60 Minutes

Information Blocking Rule and OCR's right of access initiative are two of the issues to be discussed in this session. Join attorney Heidi Kocher as she discusses HIPAA risk issues you will face in 2024.This webinar is scheduled for 60 minutes with a Q & A session to follow.


HCLA Webinar

Overview of Civil and Criminal Cases Brought Against Home Health and Hospice Agencies

Tuesday, January 31, 2023

1 p.m. EST / Noon CST / 10:00 a.m. PST

Duration: 60 Minutes

In this session, we will examine the conduct cited in civil False Claims Act and criminal Health Care Fraud / Anti-Kickback cases against home health and hospice agencies around the country. What types of conduct are likely to be pursued by Federal prosecutors? We will also discuss ways that you can improve your statutory compliance and reduce your level of risk.
HCLA Webinar

Medicare Telehealth and Telecommunications Technology in Home Health and Hospice.

Tuesday, February 28, 2023

1 p.m. EST / Noon CST / 10:00 a.m. PST

Duration: 60 Minutes

Unfortunately, COVID-19 has now been with us for almost three years is still impacting health care policy and coverage. In the wake of COVID-19, CMS has taken a number of steps to make it easier for patients to be treated remotely, using telehealth. Many home health and hospice agencies have used or expressed interest in this treatment approach. Unfortunately, there is still a lot of confusion with regard to the use of telehealth when providing home health or hospice care.

During this webinar, we will try to address a number of your questions in this regard. Join attorneys Ashley Morgan and Jennifer Papapanagiotou for a discussion of the current home health and hospice telehealth environment and the risks that your agency may face when utilizing this type of care. This webinar is scheduled for 60 minutes with a Q & A session to follow.

HCLA Webinar

Workplace Violence in Health Care Settings

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

1 p.m. EST / Noon CST / 10:00 a.m. PST

Duration: 60 Minutes

According to OSHA, “violence against health care workers accounts for as many injuries as in all other industries combined, which is five times greater than the average U.S. worker.” In this session, health lawyers Richard Pecore – In Memoriam 2024 and Lester Johnson will discuss (1) the prevalence of workplace violence in health care settings, (2) who is most likely to commit workplace violence, (3) workplace violence risk factors, (4) sexual harassment and violence, (5) the current gun rights landscape, (6) steps you can take to reduce the likelihood of workplace violence, (7) elements to include in your workplace violence prevention policy, (8) workplace violence training resources.
HCLA Webinar

Federal Public Health Emergency

Tuesday, April 19, 2023

1 p.m. EST / Noon CST / 10:00 a.m. PST

Duration: 60 Minutes

Throughout the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (PHE), there have been waivers and flexibilities from CMS to ensure access to care and to give healthcare providers what they need to respond to the pandemic. Now, as the PHE is coming to an end, there is a cloud of confusion on which waivers and flexibilities will end, as well as those that have become permanent or will extend for a certain timeframe past the declared end of the PHE.

Join Jennifer Papapanagiotou, Partner, Liles Parker, PLLC as she guides providers through CMS’ expectations related to the end of the PHE and what agencies need to know while this transition occurs. Attendees will receive clear guidance on the waivers and flexibilities that are ending on the last day of the PHE, and those that will remain in place past the end date of the PHE.

HCLA Webinar

Risks Facing Your Agency if You Hire or Contract with and Individual or Entity on the OIG Exclusion List OR the CMS Preclusion List

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

1 p.m. EST / Noon CST / 10:00 a.m. PST

Duration: 60 Minutes

At the outset, it is important to keep in mind that there are significant differences between the OIG Exclusion List and the CMS Preclusion List. During this session, we will discuss your obligations, as a Medicare or Medicaid participating provider, to ensure that your employees, agents, contractors, and vendors have not been excluded from participation in Federal health care programs. We will also discuss the impact of the CMS Preclusion List on your employment and contracting practices.

Both OIG and CMS contractors are actively on the lookout for violations. In this presentation, we will discuss the importance of exclusion screening, how to screen and which exact databases must be screened – according to both Federal and state regulations, how often a provider must screen, and how providers must document their exclusion screening efforts in order to comply with the law.

Former DOJ prosecutors, Robert Liles and Paul Weidenfeld will also go over the purpose and nature of the CMS Preclusion List.

HCLA Webinar

Preventing the Revocation of Your Home Health and / or Hospice Agency from the Medicare Program

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

1 p.m. EST / Noon CST / 10:00 a.m. PST

Duration: 60 Minutes

Approximately three years ago, the number of reasons that CMS can cite when revoking a Medicare provider’s billing privileges greatly expanded. Since that time, CMS contractors have been aggressively revoking providers on a near-constant basis. How can your agency avoid being revoked? How should your agency respond if your billing privileges are terminated or revoked? What impact can these actions have on a home health or hospice agency?

In this webinar, health lawyers Heidi Kocher and Ashley Morgan will discuss the current revocation actions being pursued by the government how your agency can reduce its risk of being subjected to such an adverse action.

HCLA Webinar

ADRs, Pre-Payment Reviews, Post-Payment Audits and Suspensions - The Impact of these Administrative Enforcement Tools on Home Health and Hospice Agencies

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

1 p.m. EST / Noon CST / 10:00 a.m. PST

Duration: 60 Minutes

Prepayment reviews of home health and hospice claims are now being conducted by both UPICs and MACs. CNS contractors continue to exercise great latitude in their scope and the length that they are imposed. Similarly, UPIC and SMERC contractors remain in control of postpayments conducted and suspension actions recommended to CMS.

In this webinar, health lawyers Meaghan DeBenedetto and Christin Thompson will discuss these various audit mechanisms and outline the adverse impact each action can have on your agency.

HCLA Webinar

Voluntary Disclosures – How Should You React When Something Goes Wrong?

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

1 p.m. EST / Noon CST / 10:00 a.m. PST

Duration: 60 Minutes

Should your home health or hospice discover issues or activities that you believe may potentially run afoul of the myriad of regulatory prohibitions, what should you do? The OIG has developed a formal program under which organizations that discover such violations can voluntarily report these issues and potentially receive reduced penalties.

Similarly, CMS has developed a mechanism to formally disclose Stark violations. Join health lawyers Lester Johnson and Richard Pecore – In Memoriam 2024 for a discussion of these programs and factors to consider in deciding whether to avail your organization of these processes.

HCLA Webinar

Buying and Selling Home Health and / or Hospice Agencies

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

1 p.m. EST / Noon CST / 10:00 a.m. PST

Duration: 60 Minutes

Are you in the market to buy or sell your agency? What are the various concerns you need to address when engaging in this type of business transaction? What steps can you take to reduce your level of risk? Join attorney Jennifer Papapanagiotou as she discusses these important issues.
HCLA Webinar

Home Health and / or Hospice Agency Business Relationships with Referral Sources

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

1 p.m. EST / Noon CST / 10:00 a.m. PST

Duration: 60 Minutes

Now, more than ever, it is essential that home health and hospice agencies take steps to ensure that their existing and proposed business relationships fully comply with applicable statutory and regulatory requirements. In this session, health lawyers Jennifer Papapanagiotou and Ashley Morgan examine several of the most prevalent Federal statutes likely to apply to your business dealings. These statutes include: the Federal Anti-Kickback Statute, EKRA, Stark and the False Claims Act.
HCLA Webinar

Practical Advice for Strengthening Your Home Health or Hospice Compliance Program

Tuesday, October 31, 2023

1 p.m. EST / Noon CST / 10:00 a.m. PST

Duration: 60 Minutes

Regina Morano - Counsel - Liles Parker

Regina Morano,

Despite your best efforts, regulatory violations are likely to still occur. Nevertheless, there are a number of steps you can take that can significantly improve your home health or hospice agency’s regulatory compliance efforts. Health lawyers Regina Morano and Michael Cook will discuss ways your organization can reduce its level of risk through the successful enhancement of your compliance program.
HCLA Webinar

Avoiding Criminal Liability: Views from a Former Federal Prosecutor

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

1 p.m. EST / Noon CST / 10:00 a.m. PST

Duration: 60 Minutes

John Pierce served as a federal prosecutor in three different U.S. Attorney’s Offices around the country. He also served on the Attorney General’s Advocacy Committee for Health Care Fraud. After leaving the DOJ, Mr. Pierce has represented a wide variety of health care providers and suppliers around the country in criminal health care fraud investigations and prosecutions.

During this session, John Pierce will discuss the current criminal risk areas facing home health and hospice agencies, their owners, staff and the physicians with whom they work. He will discuss recent prosecutions by the government and cover steps that you can take to reduce your level of risk. Join John Pierce and moderator Robert Liles as they discuss the current criminal enforcement landscape facing your agency.

HCLA Webinar

Reading the Tea Leaves – What are the Top Risks Your Practice and / or Hospice company will Face in 2024?

Monday, December 18, 2023

1 p.m. EST / Noon CST / 10:00 a.m. PST

Duration: 60 Minutes

Join us as we discuss the likely challenges and risks facing your home health and / or hospice agency in 2024. What are the chances that your agency will be audited? What are the administrative enforcement remedies currently being pursued by CMS program integrity contractors against home health and hospice agencies? How should your agency respond? In this webinar, health law attorneys Richard Pecore – In Memoriam 2024 and Leonard Schneider will discuss ways your organization can reduce its level of risk.