(November 23, 2016): Michael Cook, co-chair of the Health Care Group, has an article published in the October issue of the American Health Lawyers Association Journal of Health Law & Life Sciences entitled “It’s Time for CMS and Congress to Review Outdated Medicare and Medicaid Provisions.” The article discusses the fact that given the dramatic changes in payment and delivery system reform, there are a number of outdated, and in some instances counter-productive, rules that no longer make any sense and that should be reviewed by CMS and Congress. The article cites three examples – the three day hospital stay requirement for Medicare SNF coverage, the limitations for coverage of care in Institutions for Mental Diseases and psychiatric hospitals under Medicaid, and for certain circumstances in alternative payment systems, the homebound requirement for Medicare home health coverage, but there likely are many more that will need examination in the coming years. Ashley Hudson, an associate of the Firm, assisted in the research for the article.
The article can be reviewed at http://www.healthlawyersjournal.com/healthlawyers/october_2016/?pg=24&pm=2&u1=friend.

Michael has more than 40 years’ experience representing clients on health care issues in government and in private practice, serves on the Board of Medical Assistances Services that oversees Virginia’s Medicaid program, and also has advised a number of campaigns of candidates for state and national political offices. Michael and Ashley can be reached at 202-298-8750.